A balance of Mind-Body-Spirit

Friday, December 29, 2006

Cindy- Post Christmas Update

Well, my goal of 10 pounds lost by Dec 31 is in jeopardy.

Mostly because of my 2 sicknesses and pulled muscle, which effectively caused me to bench my workouts for 2 weeks. I think I am about 6 pounds down.

So, I am extending my 10 pound deadline to Jan 15!

Reading WW.com about how to get back on track. I re-read my goals listed here. One goal is to make this a natural part of life, so really getting back on track is just getting back to what is natural to me.

It was hard not working out all that time, then while visting. J and I took lots of long walks, but still miss the heart-pumping aerobics!

And, personal training will not start back up until 1/12. So, goal is to do it at home.

My goals between now and Jan 15:

Track points on WW.com to get my eating back regulated -
Work out 12/29, 12/30 at Jz
Do home workouts or walks on 12/31 and 1/1
Then regular Jz schedule 5X week and PT on Friday 1/12 and Monday 1/15.

Drink lots of water.

Get myself organized and enjoy our extended Christmas!

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A balance of Mind-Body-Spirit

Thought for the Day

"Good friends are good for your health."

~Irwin Sarason

"Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy! And happy people just don't shoot their husbands!"

Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods in Legally Blonde