A balance of Mind-Body-Spirit

Thursday, January 18, 2007


I recently had one of those watershed weeks. I needed a reminder of how thankful I really am, of all that I have.

I loved this post from Vonda.

That and some kind words from a couple of friends reminded me how lucky I am. Funny how when you get down, everything seems to go down. I was feeling sad my boys are so grown up. Funny how that hits now and then. Hey, they started the dishwasher last night after I forgot, helped walk the dogs and took out the trash. What 2 year old does that? lol

As well, some other stresses came to a head. Then I felt I had sort of failed with my health goals. Failed? FAILED?!

So... on to a new attitude and a new day! Rethinking my goals... and right now they are day to day.. eat healthier for me, keep enjoying my exercise and lovingly accept whatever physical body shape God graces me with. Hey, I like curves!

I'm going to put that scale back in the closet for a while...

1 comment:

Leonie said...

A good resolution, Cindy. And I am so glad that you are feeling more at peace - there is no failure, just the journey! ( I feel like Yoda!) And each season of life has joys...

A balance of Mind-Body-Spirit

Thought for the Day

"Good friends are good for your health."

~Irwin Sarason

"Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy! And happy people just don't shoot their husbands!"

Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods in Legally Blonde

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