A balance of Mind-Body-Spirit

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Are we ready for a great new year? Yes!

I don't know if you all are into New Year's Resolutions... but if you are... this has gotta be the place. :)

I am looking forward to a beautiful new year.. full of hope and promise, friends and family.. and I pray for good health for you all!

I don't really have any resolutions. But, I always seem to have ongoing ones... things I am working on, ebbs and flows... and I am so happy I got serious about stepping up my exercise and eating habits last July. I can see and feel the difference and hope to keep going this year. It most definietly is 3 steps forward, 2 steps back, but as Leonie gave herself the gift of a workout yesterday, that is how I view it... it is gift to myself. :)

I thought I might invite friends on my local lists to join us here, too- please invite anyone you think might want to journey with us. All levels, all goals, all toward better mind-body-spirit health.

Does anyone have any resolutions or plans for 2008? Anything we can help with?

Love to all,

1 comment:

Leonie said...

I'm thinking about resolutions - possibly trying to eat more vegan and less processed.....

A balance of Mind-Body-Spirit

Thought for the Day

"Good friends are good for your health."

~Irwin Sarason

"Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy! And happy people just don't shoot their husbands!"

Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods in Legally Blonde