A balance of Mind-Body-Spirit

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Rockin' Play List.. Wooo Hoo!

I decided to try a pure eliptical machine workout, something like this:
5 min warm up
5 min little faster
45 min steady 70% hr
5 min cool down

In the past I am HORRIBLE about staying with an eliptical or treadmill very long. Books on tape help me stay on, but oh, I get so bored.

My sons say they love listening to music on the treadmill, so I asked them to put together a playlist on the Ipod that would correspond.

They mostly have video game music on there, but there is a lot of great VG music! They know pretty much what I like, and we went through a few songs. I do like rock and roll, so they put some on, and also sprinkled in some Stephen Curtis Chapman songs (Dive, I Believe) that I love to do housework to.

(Stephen Curtis Chapman)

It was SO FUN! I got on the machine and hit Playlist 2 as Bryan told me to.. and got this really weird song- 20 seconds long called "Grabbed by the Goulies"--
Wierd!! But then it came on again and again and again.. GOTCHA- he got me in a practial joke and thought it hilarious when I later told him I listened to it 10 times before the joke dawned on me...

(Ghoulies Grabbing)

So I switched to Playlist 1 (the real one) and enjoyed the music perfectly timed to my workout plan. Also it was fun to see what he chose. Some songs reminded me of the boys, music I often hear wafting down the stairs. Other songs were ones from the VG Live concert we all went to.

And, the music was all so different- some very epic, and strongly beat-- I put the eliptical on high grade and high resistance and felt like I was climbing a mountain.. then a happy Sonic song would come on and I would put it on light and go really fast, like skipping on water.

And I burned a record number of calories. Tomorrow I plan another eliptical and hope one of my sons will give me a fresh play list.

1 comment:

Leonie said...

Sounds like fun! Music can make such a difference in a workout, can't it? Today, I was singing along to "Party, party people" while doing a Turbo Jam Cardio Party 3 workoput..

A balance of Mind-Body-Spirit

Thought for the Day

"Good friends are good for your health."

~Irwin Sarason

"Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy! And happy people just don't shoot their husbands!"

Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods in Legally Blonde